The Pursuit of Excellence: Embracing Agility Over Perfectionism

Luke Pivac
Agile | Adapt
Published in
4 min readMar 29, 2024


Perfectionism, the relentless chase for flawlessness, often masquerades as a virtue, the hallmark of the high achiever. Yet, it’s increasingly clear that this pursuit can become a crippling vice, stifling innovation, and hindering progress. The antidote?

Agility — a dynamic skill set that champions adaptability, resilience, and continuous improvement over the rigid, unforgiving standards of perfection.

The Pitfalls of Perfectionism

Perfectionism compels individuals to avoid errors at all costs, setting an impossibly high bar for success. This mindset, while seemingly noble in its quest for excellence, can paradoxically lead to a fear of failure that inhibits risk-taking and growth. It’s a self-imposed trap that prioritizes error-free performance over the rich learning experiences that come from trial and error.

Perfectionism can be isolating, as it often involves a critical self-view that leaves little room for vulnerability or connection with others.

Image created by Luke Pivac on Microsoft Design 2024

Perfectionism can lead to burnout, anxiety, and a myopic focus that misses…



Luke Pivac
Agile | Adapt

An experienced delivery leader - helping teams succeed by using an adaptive-mindset. Thought-leader and published author. PSM-1, MSP5, ICP-ATF, ICP-APM, ICP-DAS