Change is the only constant

Marcin Konkel
Agile & Change
Published in
2 min readJul 25, 2016


My name is Marcin and I’m the editor-in-chief of Agile & Change publication. During my journey working with the teams, in software development, helping them to become high performing, I noticed something that made me think.

In a world so diverse where product cycles are shortening and time is of the essence, it’s crucial to stay focused and have the courage and willingness to change. Thriving in the ever-changing world is a new skill and a mindset for individuals who contribute to their organisation’s success. Today some of these tools are called agile. Tomorrow — who knows.

Change is the only constant. Nevermind the approach do you use in your work it’s the people that may or may not react to something new, unknown. This publication emphasises mental readiness, traits of character, skills and how to mix them all while still remaining congruent with who you are as a person and what is your individual journey. It’s also about working with the above on a team and company level as well as observing and sometimes trying to predict what the future might hold. It’s crafting the culture and mindset of the company but the work of individuals and their mutual journeys.

It’s not about motivational speeches, creating a list of values or poor coaching practices. The change aspect is rooted in psychology but also the science of neurology and what we know about the subconscious and collective mind. It’s mixed with efficiency and you, your team or company cooperating as partners. Changing also means reinventing yourself on the journey together while having the courage to fail and get up. Again and again. It’s about things you can learn and use. Not about philosophising, although, it’s sometimes nice to leave some space for that as well.

The above is present in agile but still underestimated. That is why it is placed separately in the name of this publication. I view agile not as the known and overused word but a big sack with various elements that help you get more out of what you want to achieve. At the same time reaching the gist of what it is to cooperate with one another, not as employees but colleagues, partners, human beings. It’s also about creating value, doing the right things right at the right time and shortening delivery cycles. I believe experimenting, changing the ways we work and not necessarily naming it in a fancy word is also in the bag. This and much more you will certainly see here as more authors join.

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Marcin Konkel
Agile & Change

I talk about fostering hyper-productive teams and focused orgs where people and products flourish 🚀 Helped 100+ teams to grow 🌱 Mentor to Scrum Masters 🦸