10 important things your website should have

It’s one thing to have a website running for your business, but it’s completely something else to have that website bringing you traffic. Online traffic is the sure way you can convert some web users to potential clients, which means there are some certain things you need to have on your website to make it successful. We’ll proceed by looking at 10 of the most important details your website should never miss!

1) Good Navigation

How can you best understand good navigation? Well it’s like a single path into the thick woods which everyone must use to get to the other end safely. In regards to your website, you need to create an easy access to your website. This means utilizing skills like creating working links that send web users to your site. SEO skills are also crucial here because once they click on that keyword on Google; they want to find your website link that is clear and prominent and sends them to the right direction.

2) Contact information

Ecommerce works in pretty the same way as conventional business; clients want to find your number or contact details they can reach you with. So make sure you have your phone contacts spelt out clearly and are placed strategically where the clients can easily access.

3) Good hosting for your website

So who are you targeting for your business product or commerce services? There are other great ideas like getting free web hosting which saves you hosting costs. However this is not enough if your site is not hosted by a server that is near the customers you target. In addition, you may want to consider options such as VPS hosting or dedicated hosting if you want a faster website response time. Since a faster website is associated with superior SEO, this can be a big advantage. If you want your products to sell in Singapore, its best getting a Singapore based server which puts you at an advantage than a website with an America or European server and still targets the same market.

4) Social Media Integration

This is the new way of ecommerce marketing which companies are finding quite helpful for their business. There’s facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Tumblr, You Tube and so many out there. These websites are where most traffic converge meaning you have a chance to convert a bit of it into potential customers. So how about opening a Facebook or Twitter handle that advertises your business? You can also offer some social site bookmarks on your webpage which will be automatically bookmarked to the client’s Social site page when they click on them.

5) Business information

If you forget this part in your website, it’s a guarantee you will have hard time fishing for traffic. You need clear and concise information about your business; what are you dealing in? Goods or Services? Are you an industrial company or a corporate firm? Get all this information together and use the right SEO words to pull traffic to your content.

6) Budget for marketing

Having an already existing website shows that you are on the right track towards marketing. Now you need also to set a budget that will be used to market your commerce products or services to web users. Remember advertising is really expensive, so make sure you know how much you can spend and how much you can afford. Moreover, it also depends on how established your business is to determine how much you will allocate to marketing budget to increase business popularity.

7) Cross Browser Compatibility

A great website is always compatible with different browsers and doesn’t matter which version it is. Cross-browser compatibility is defines as the ability for a website to support all browsers. Can your website run through Opera Mini, Internet Explorer, Apple Safari or Mozilla? There are plenty of tools online that will help you check web browser compatibility for mobile phone browsers and Desktop browsers.

8) Site Map

Site Maps are multiple pages you create on your website for crawlers or web users to easilyaccess. Site Maps can be organized as ‘About Us’, ‘Home’, ‘Products’ etc. Both new and old clients need to find this pages to help then navigate easily to you website

9) Tracking and Analytics

Google analytics is a common term in the ecommerce world. Every web business is trying to get the best Google ranking, thus they use Tracking and Analytics from Google to see how they rank and their effectiveness on SEO building and usage. There

10) Call to action

This is where you exploit the web user’s craver and ask them to buy or use your service. You can entice them by summarizing what they stand to gain in this section. You also add yourreal contacts, membership form to encourage them to come back. Make sure you also haveGenealogy software to record all the crucial information clients feed to your website.

