Making a success of your Website Revamp — Part 2

In Part 1 of the series [Making a success of your website revamp], we listed a few points you should take note.

1) Set Clear Expectations and Objective
2) Get Feedback
3) Improve the look, not change the Entire Site

As for part 2 of the series [Making a success of your website revamp], we will touch on several points often overlook by business owners.

4) Heat Maps

Read more on CMS

After touching on heat maps, decide which part of the site gathered most looks/clicks.

Put your latest products, promotions or even contact form there. Else, place your ads banner there so you can make some money out of it. This will help on what to focus on your new website

5) Choose a good and solid CMS

After a site has been around for some time, you’d likely develop a way to update your site. The old and traditional method is to get the web provider or a SI(System Integrator) to update them. If you are more tech-savvy, you might know how to do it yourself.

As Joomla! Specialists, we have a ton of experience in optimising the user experience for Joomla! CMS user panel. Ask for some screenshots of the CMS admin panel, Mailing List Panel, Shopping Cart Admin panel to have a feel of it.

6) Database

Is your existing website an ecommerce site? Whether it is or otherwise, you might have an existing database of contact details [Name,email, sex, gender, phone number, address, etc] Make sure that you keep the current details, and if possible, export them to spreadsheet so the CMS can import the details. This might request some work on both ends, but it helps in the transistion. While the new site is developing, you have time to work on ‘post revamp’ promotions to your buyers.

7) Hosting

Do make sure that the current hosting provider is able to accommodate the latest stable version of Joomla! [PHP, MySQL version] or on other CMS. Also make sure that the domain name will point to the correct server so there will be less hiccups.

Are your current server provider doing a daily/weekly/monthly backup for your website? If not, then its time to initiate backup procedures for your new site. This is especially important if your site has many updates such as ecommerce site or web portal.

