Things You Need to be Mindful of Before Building a Website

Having a website is something that virtually everyone wants to do now. This is because of the age we are into, where everything has gone electronic. Having a website like many other things starts from the mind. Many things should come to mind before building the website proper. I am going to list a few and detail on them, as the list is endless.

What do I want my website to do?

There is always a purpose to anything that will be meaningful and gainful, and I know you want your website to have these two effects. Defining what you want your website to do will go a long way to determine what will be in place and what will not. It will also help you know the message you want to pass to your audience and how you want to do this as regards to the platform to build your website. For instance, a medical consultant may need a blog and not a portal, and a wholesale shop may need an online store and not a blog. Did you get a hint?

How can I make it known — Marketing

Things don’t just happen, people make things happen, and if your website must be know, you have to make that happen through marketing. Marketing can be done is two major ways- Online and offline.

Online marketing

Everything you do on the internet to make your website more popular and visible to your target audience falls here. Things like Search Engine Optimization, Search Engine Marketing like adwords, pay par click ads, website marketing and other tools too. A good combination of these can give you the quality traffic from the millions of audience interested in your product or service.

Offline marketing

How about marketing outside the web? This has been around for a long time and hasn’t failed in any way. I am talking about printing ads and posters, road shows and exhibitions, and customer appreciation and referee strategies like gifts and discounts. They surely work wonders and spread the word.

What will it cost me?

Recurring cost like webhosting and domain name registration for your website.
Service charge for developing the website itself, involving that of an experienced, professional website developer and any software(s) that will be needed for this development.

Are there security challenges?

Properly planning and implementing these will lay a good foundation for a successful online presence.

