What Colours your Website?

Colours play a very important role in relation to how one feel. And that, in turn affect how you and your customers act. Ask any expert and they will tell you how important colour is for Web Design.

It is said that humans, be it Male or Female, judge whether they like a product, presentation, object or just about anything based on colours alone. And that judgement takes place in your mind in less than 2 minutes.

Take, for example. If someone were to pass you 10 marketing collaterals and ask you how you feel about them, what will you look for?

Content, layout, texture, or colours?

Content is important, but really, colours and layout gives you a ‘feel’, and this creates an instant impression upon your customers.

Check out the list below to see what your web design’s colors could be saying to your customers.

Blue — Safe and secure. Good if you need people to trust you.
Green — Calm and confident. Good for making people spend money.
Red — Energetic and vigorous. Good if you want people to risk.
Yellow — Optimistic and cheerful. Good if you want people have fun.
Pink — Romantic and dreamy. Good for (young) female customers.
Orange — Willing to take action. Good if you want people to act.
Black — Powerful and wealthy. Good if you want people to spend money.

In Short, the rights colours brings out the personality of the object.

The advice we can give to those who like to design their corporate logo and Web design with us is this:

1. Think of your Industry.
2. How would you like your customer to feel looking at your corporate image and branding?
3. Factor in which colour most describe the feeling you like to convey to your customer.
4. Tie the colour scheme / theme to your logo.

Of course, the success of the website depends also on the content, layout, user interface and many other online and offline factors.

