It’s Not the End of The World: A Look Into ChatGPT, Technology Shifts, and Their Impact

Chris Daily
Agile Meridian
Published in
6 min readApr 17, 2023

by Chris Daily


There has been considerable hype surrounding ChatGPT, a large language model developed by OpenAI. With impressive capabilities, it’s no wonder some people believe ChatGPT will cause a major business disruption.

Even some say we must stop AI-powered processes before they overtake us. I am not an Elon Musk, but throughout my career, the science fiction of my childhood has manifested itself in the form of new products.

However, ChatGPT is not as disruptive as some might think. In this blog post, we will explore why ChatGPT is similar to other technology shifts and why it is unlikely to disrupt established companies or their core business.

Disruption Theory and ChatGPT

The term “disruption theory” was coined by Clayton Christensen, an associate professor at Harvard Business School. According to this theory, new technologies disrupt existing markets by offering a better, more affordable, and more accessible product or service.

In the case of ChatGPT, it is undeniable that this AI-driven chatbot has made significant strides in its capabilities, thanks to reinforcement learning and large language model development. However, the idea that ChatGPT will disrupt business models is somewhat misleading.

ChatGPT as a New Technology

ChatGPT is undoubtedly a new technology, but it is important to note that it is built upon a foundation of previous innovations and breakthroughs. In the early days of the internet, access to information was limited, and the speed and quality of internet connections restricted the ability to communicate with others. As the technology evolved, the internet became a new market, and businesses had to adapt to survive.

Similarly, ChatGPT’s large language model is built on vast amounts of training data and human feedback, and its AI-written text is generated using reinforcement learning and reward models. These techniques are not unique to ChatGPT, but they result from years of progress in artificial intelligence.

The Limitations of ChatGPT

While ChatGPT has garnered attention for its ability to generate coherent and relevant text, it is not without its limitations. For instance, ChatGPT can sometimes produce nonsensical answers or false positives, depending on the quality of its training data and the complexity of the question. ChatGPT may not always provide its end user with the most accurate or reliable information.

ChatGPT relies heavily on human-AI trainers, who review and rate the AI-generated responses to improve the system. This human element means that ChatGPT is not completely autonomous and requires human input to function effectively. As a result, the idea of a dangerously strong AI system that will completely replace human workers is not yet a reality.

There have been examples of ChatGPT taking on a creepy tone in response to questions. Think for a second. Is it any different than Facebook, Tic Toc, or Twitter which use algorithms to show you content based on what you have already looked at?

Comparing ChatGPT to Other Technology Shifts

When assessing the potential disruptive impact of ChatGPT, it is helpful to compare it to other technology shifts that have occurred in the past. Consider the transition from landlines to mobile phones or the rise of cloud computing services.

These technological innovations have undeniably changed how businesses operate, but they did not lead to the collapse of established companies or the disappearance of entire industries.

Instead, these new technologies created opportunities for companies to adapt and develop new business models. For example, mobile phone manufacturers evolved to produce smartphones, while traditional software companies shifted to offering cloud-based services. Innovations in the auto industry have continued to evolve to the point where an autonomous driving vehicle is being perfected. Those who didn’t respond or responded too late have gone the way of the dinosaur. Businesses that looked at the technology and embraced it are often still around.

This is an opportunity for businesses to leverage AI chatbot technology to improve their operations or create new offerings rather than pose a direct threat to their core business.

The Emotional Effect

Innovations like ChatGPT can have a multifaceted emotional impact on individuals and society. On the one hand, they can inspire awe and excitement due to their advanced capabilities and the potential to transform various aspects of life. People may feel a sense of wonder when interacting with AI-driven technologies like ChatGPT as they witness machines generating human-like responses and demonstrating a level of intelligence previously thought to be reserved for humans.

At the same time, the rapid development of such innovations can evoke feelings of uncertainty and anxiety. Some individuals might worry about the potential consequences of AI technology, such as job displacement or the erosion of privacy. There may also be concerns about the ethical implications of AI systems as people grapple with questions surrounding their proper use and potential misuse. This unease can be further compounded by the limitations of AI systems like ChatGPT, which occasionally generate nonsensical or incorrect information, raising questions about the reliability of these technologies.

However, innovations like ChatGPT can also foster a sense of empowerment and optimism. As people discover new ways to utilize AI-driven technologies to enhance their lives, they may feel more equipped to tackle complex problems, improve efficiency, and find innovative solutions. This empowerment can lead to a surge in creativity and collaboration as individuals and organizations work together to harness the potential of AI technologies for the betterment of society.

The emotional effect of innovations like ChatGPT is complex and can range from awe and excitement to uncertainty and anxiety. However, by recognizing the potential benefits and addressing the concerns associated with these technologies, we can work towards a future where AI-driven innovations contribute positively to our emotional well-being and overall quality of life.


In conclusion, while ChatGPT is an impressive large language model that has the potential to reshape the way we interact with AI systems, it is not the disruptive force that some fear it will be. ChatGPT allows businesses to evolve and adapt like other technology shifts rather than signaling their demise.

The limitations of ChatGPT, such as its reliance on human-AI trainers and occasional nonsensical answers, remind us that this technology is still in its developmental stage. As with any new technology, there will be a learning curve and a period of refinement as developers and end users work together to improve the system.

Moreover, the history of technological advancements has shown that established companies can successfully navigate the challenges posed by new technologies. By embracing innovation and adapting their business models, companies have stayed relevant and competitive in the face of change. The emergence of ChatGPT as a powerful AI chatbot is an opportunity for growth and transformation rather than a threat to the status quo.

Businesses must view ChatGPT and similar AI systems as tools to enhance operations rather than as a harbinger of disruption. By adopting a forward-thinking approach and embracing the potential of AI-driven technology, companies can capitalize on the benefits that ChatGPT has to offer while mitigating its limitations.

As technology advances rapidly, businesses need to stay informed and be willing to adapt. The emergence of ChatGPT and other AI-driven technologies presents an exciting opportunity for companies to explore new ways of working, improving efficiency, and delivering value to their customers.

ChatGPT, like any other technology shift, will undeniably change how we work and communicate. However, it is not the disruptive force that some may believe it to be. By understanding the limitations and potential of ChatGPT, businesses can strategically harness this technology to create new opportunities for growth and innovation. Instead of fearing the rise of AI-driven systems, it is time for businesses to embrace the potential of these technologies and the benefits they can bring to the world.

This article was originally posted on



Chris Daily
Agile Meridian

Chris Daily is an author and speaker focused on helping people change the stars through empowerment.