Minimum Viable, Marketable or Awesome/Lovable Feature, Product or Release

Dim Blinov
Agile Pies
Published in
3 min readSep 5, 2018

RAT, MVP, MMF, MMP, MMR, MAP/MLP, MBI. What do these all stand for?

  1. RAT — riskiest assumption test;
  2. MVP — minimum (or minimal) Viable Product;
  3. MMF — minimum Marketable Feature;
  4. MMP — minimum Marketable Product;
  5. MMR — minimum Marketable Release;
  6. MAP/MLP—minimum Awesome/Lovable Product;
  7. MBI—minimum Business Increment.

Let's consider them in detail in two incremental steps.

  1. RAT — is a test to validate product assumptions or ideas before launch and without any development work;
  2. MVP — is often a prototype aimed at getting a validated learning about a subset of users;
  3. MMF — is a minimal set of functions that brings value to the users. Usually as MMP/MMR;
  4. MMP = MMR1 — is a minimal set of key features that constitute a valuable product for the initial users;
  5. MMR — all consecutive minimal releases that bring new value to the users;
  6. MAP/MLP—minimum of incredible, attractive product that can be viable and customers will love;
  7. MBI — customer and business value with anticipation of revenue.
RAT, MVP, MMF, MMP, MMR, MAP, MBI relations


  • Experiments to test the riskiest assumptions and ideas about product, customer, market, business model
  • even before launching or without any development work.


  • is a version of a new product that is
  • created with the least effort possible
  • provided to a subset of potential customers
  • to use for validated learning about them.
  • Much closer to prototypes than to the real running version of the product.

Eric Ries writes:

We must learn what customers really want, not what they say they want, not what we think they should want. We must discover whether we are on a path that will lead to growing a sustainable business.

And also in Validated learning about customers:

Validation comes in the form of data that demonstrates, that the key risks in the business have been addressed by the current product.

So, we get a validated learning by:

  • running experiments,
  • testing a new idea,
  • collecting data about it,
  • learning from it,
  • exploring a hypothesis about what customers really want
  • to find the features that they are actually interested in.


  • is the smallest piece of functionality that
  • can be delivered,
  • has value to both the organization and the users.
  • A part of an MMR or MMP.


  • The first release of an MMR that is
  • aimed at early adopters,
  • focused on the key features that will delight this core group.


  • A release of a product that
  • has the smallest possible feature set — the smallest increment that
  • offers new value to users and addresses their current needs.


  • Minimum of incredible, attractive product that can be viable and customers will love.
  • Depends on competitors: familiar, standard functionality users expect to have + something new as a nice surprise for the customer. The higher the competition, the more features MAP will have; with no competition, MAP can be = MVP.


  • A release that brings value both to the customers and business, ensuring you’re building the right product the right way.
  • Investment for revenue (not for discovery as for MVP).
RAT, MVP, MMF, MMP, MMR, MAP, MBI relations and descriptions

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Agile Pies
Agile Pies

Published in Agile Pies

Ideas and Howtos on Team management, projects and Agile, written simple and useful

Dim Blinov
Dim Blinov

Written by Dim Blinov,, Agile coach, Soft skills trainer, Personal coach

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