Why is it good to finish meetings on time? 6 reasons

Dim Blinov
Agile Pies
Published in
2 min readJul 12, 2023

Meetings often take longer than expected. It is a bad corporate habit. Briefly,

  1. Longer meetings cost more.
  2. Keep in mind: participants have other work to do.
  3. You don't do as promised, but you should.
  4. Almost the same results can be achieved in twice as short time.
  5. Stretched end time affects other scheduled meetings.
  6. Short meetings lead to a better overall employees engagement.

1. Don't waste employees' time

Longer meetings cost more in terms of time, money, and other resources. Organizations invest significant resources in conducting meetings, including the salaries of participants, meeting room bookings, and any associated travel expenses. By finishing a meeting on time, these resources can be allocated more efficiently, leading to cost savings.

2. Respect for participants' time

Participants have other work to do and responsibilities to fulfill. When a meeting extends beyond its scheduled time, it can disrupt their workflow and impede their ability to complete other tasks. Respecting everyone’s time demonstrates professionalism and fosters a positive work environment.

3. Fulfill your commitments

Ending a meeting on time demonstrates a commitment to keeping promises. When meetings are scheduled with specific start and end times, participants expect that those commitments will be honored. By adhering to the agreed-upon schedule, you uphold your responsibility to deliver on your promises, fostering trust and credibility among the participants.

4. Use employees' time more productively

In many cases, almost the same results can be achieved in a shorter duration of time. When meetings are allowed to drag on unnecessarily, it can lead to repetition, tangents, and less focused discussions. By adhering to the scheduled time, participants are encouraged to be concise and focused, resulting in more productive and effective meetings.

5. Don’t destroy others’ calendars

Stretched end times can have a cascading effect on other scheduled meetings or commitments. When a meeting runs late, it can create a domino effect, causing subsequent meetings to be delayed or participants to be late for their next engagements. By concluding meetings on time, you ensure a consistent and reliable schedule, minimizing disruptions for everyone involved.

6. Don't decrease morale

Lengthy meetings that exceed their allocated time can lead to frustration, fatigue, and reduced engagement among participants. On the other hand, concluding meetings on time demonstrates consideration for everyone’s well-being and promotes a positive atmosphere. Participants are more likely to be actively engaged and contribute effectively when they know that their time is being valued and respected.


finishing meetings on time is advantageous in terms of resource efficiency, respect for participants’ time, commitment fulfillment, time optimization, schedule consistency, productivity enhancement, and improved engagement and morale.

