Ganesha, lord of Agilists :)

Dov Tsal
Published in
2 min readAug 2, 2017

A few years back, I was invited to an agile conference in India, and proposed to nominate lord Ganesha as the deity of Agilists.

Recently I got interviewed to Innovation Roots, and I repeated that proposal.

Here is why… (taken, more or less, from that interview)

He is the remover of impediments

Ganesha is the god in charge of removing obstacles, and accompanies life’s transitions

Patron of arts and sciences

A successful agile journey is a dance where methods and art are delicately intertwined. do only process and you are bound to fail, yet improvisation alone won’t suffice.

He changed his head completely!

Ganesha was the son of Shiva and Parvati, but was beheaded by his dad.(unknowingly, don’t hold that against Shiva! ;)
Hence his head was replaced by the head of an elephant.

He is kind and enabling
Ganesha is a good-natured god, a people-oriented one, an enabler.
He is not as cunning as Hanuman or as scary as Kali

He is the perfect god to have a cool chat with near the cooler, or take a coffee break with (remember he likes sweets with his coffee!)

A great listener

Has big ears to listen, big tummy to retain.

Furthermore, look what he bears in his hands!

  • Lower right: The Abhaya mudra (gesture of fearlessness) symbolizes Ganesha’s blessings and protection on a person’s (Agile) journey through life.
  • Upper right hand: an axe, with which he is said to cut off all attachments of life (to old habits and processes)
  • Upper left: He pulls the devotees nearer to the spiritual path by the rope (Agile requires discipline)
  • Lower left: He offers rewards for amends (sadhana) done with the modak (the sweetness of taking your destiny in your hands)

Besides, just look at him! Any other deity looks more like an agile coach? (and no, Laozi, or Buddha for that matter, are not a deity)

I guess sometimes your heart just knows stuff, and all your head has to do is nod and find the right excuses…

Till nextime! (I’ll try to be more serious, promise!)

