Agile Actors Digest: The biggest tech news in January!

Agile Actors
Published in
3 min readJan 24, 2019


The first month of 2019 brought along a number of interesting tech stories. We dug around the Internet and came back with a selection of articles that are worth your time. Bookmark and enjoy them at your leisure:

Facebook’s ’10 year challenge’ is just a harmless meme — right?

The ’10 year challenge’ was all the rage on Facebook this January. You probably posted your own and thought “where’s the harm in that?”

But a WIRED article challenges you to rethink how the data collected from this and other social media challenges can be used to train facial recognition algorithms on age progression and age recognition, without our knowledge and explicit permission.

How to tame Slack for a more productive workday?

“Slack is a time-saver, and Slack is a time-suck” Is there a way to enhance the popular platform’s time-saving qualities and minimizing its time-sucking characteristics?

Quantom computing explained in 10 minutes

“A quantum computer isn’t just a more powerful version of the computers we use today; it’s something else entirely, based on emerging scientific understanding — and more than a bit of uncertainty.”

Shohini Ghose, a quantum physicist and equity advocator, explains the transforming potential that quantum computing can have on our world!

Why failing Agile is so easy

Willian Corrêa, a software engineer and entrepreneur, shares his Agile wisdom and the reasons why Agile methodologies sometimes fail to be successfully implemented. In his own words: “Before doing Agile, it is necessary to be Agile.”

Progressive Web Applications: A Progressive State of the Web

Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) is one of the most talked-about web development trends for 2019. This article takes a thorough look at what makes PWAs so interesting and the components required to build one.

10 Things You Should Have Learned With Your Software Engineering Degree — or at Coding Boot Camp — but Probably Didn’t

Well, the title of this one is pretty self-explanatory! The writer of this article has divided the list of skills into three categories: technical skills, habits and mindset, and soft skills and that’s a good way to measure where you’re standing in terms of your own software engineering skills.

