Agile Actors May Recap

Agile Actors


The month of the Geeks!

We are the kind of people that, just by hearing the word May, our thought always follows with “The force be with you”! You know what we’re talking about, be honest.

That’s why May is one of our favorite months! It’s the one closest to the summer, of course, but it is also celebrated for many other reasons: from the global love day to the world Star Wars Day and many more.

But this particular May, we wanted to celebrate the day closest to us: The Geek Pride Day. Yes, it exists, and we were so happy that we decided to geek out for the whole month!

To prove that here is a list of all the Social Media posts we prepared for May! When geeks unite, nothing can stop us.


Devoxx Greece

We were there, we geeked out, and we loved showing it! In this video you can get the whole picture in under 10 seconds.

No finish line 2024

What? Geeks are known for their kindness! We wouldn’t miss such a beautiful day for the whole world, so take a look at our highlights.


WeTest.Athens sponsorship

We were very happy to be Gold Sponsors once again at We Test Athens!! We met great people, attended awesome talks, and participated in a round table talk “Empowering Diversity”, that's very dear to our hearts! Till next time!

Love at first site

This month, our own Jenny honors us with a valuable lesson about failure. Because it was a failure early on that made her fall in love with software engineering, which is now her passion.


Tech opportunities shoutout

We’ve got opportunities for any Java software engineer who wants to grow and unlock their full potential! What are you waiting for?



This is Jenny

Jenny isn’t just a software engineer. She is also the training focal point of her chapter. If you don’t know what that is, it’s ok. We’re always here to answer.

Angular Athens meetup sponsorship

Brilliant speakers, awesome environment and great networking opportunities? Count us in. Of course we were happy to sponsor such an event.

This month was hot and we’re not just referring to the temperatures! We grabbed any chance to geek out and we loved it to bits. If the geek inside you wants to meet us and talk about our favorite subject, technology, do not hesitate. Check out our openings.

