Agile Methodology Essential Books

Agile Actors


If you are looking for books that will provide you with access to the Agile world, you’re in the right place!

Coaching Agile Teams: A Comparison for ScrumMasters, Agile Coaches, and Project Managers in Transition — Lyssa Adkin

In this thought-provoking and practical guide, Lyssa Adkin gives you the tools to break free from more traditional methodologies and enter the agile management world. Her insights on how to create a corporate environment where Agile teams can grow is spot-on and her hands-on approach will help you put theory to the test.

Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship — Robert C. Martin

We love this book at Agile Actors and we think that you will love it too. Robert C. Martin will guide you on the agile process of cleaning code and showcase the values of software engineering that every professional needs to adhere to. Case studies are also available on the book’s second part, illustrating how to apply clean coding to your organization in order to get the maximum benefits.

The Lean Startup — Eric Ries

Eric Ries describes defines a startup as “an organization dedicated to creating something new under conditions of extreme uncertainty”. With this in mind, he sets out to describe how startups can employ agility in order to survive and thrive in the modern business world. If you are a manager and looking for a well-thought out read on the agile ways of operating a business, “The Lean Startup” is the book for you!

Agile Constraints: Creating and Managing Successful Projects with Scrum — Multiple authors

Employing basic Agile principles at an organization can be tricky. On “Agile Constraints” the various pitfalls, difficulties and challenges of Agile implementation find their solution. This is not just a book, but a handy troubleshooter that you will want to always keep nearby!

The Software Project Manager’s Bridge to Agility — Sliger and Viscardi

Project managers, take note: this one is for you! Two certified Scrum trainers and Agile Coaches decided to share their wisdom on how to be able to gently guide your team through a transition to agile methods of software engineering. Crossing the bridge to Agile may seems lees daunting after finishing this book.

Agile Project Management: Creating Innovative — Jim Highsmith

A master class on the best practices for managing projects in agile environments!

If your bookcase is thirsty for more thought-provoking books that will help you become a better tech professional, get some ideas from the relevant articles on the Agile Actors Playbook:

