Agile vs Scrum: Do you know the difference? [infographic]

Agile Actors


The terms “agile” and “scrum” are often used to describe the process of software development. Thus, many people in the IT industry think they are the same. Others think they are different. But who is right?

Let’s start from the beginning. In the early years of software development, the software was developed by following the “Waterfall” approach. That approach was linear, as each development phase started after the previous was completed, resembling the water that falls from one point to the next.

But, the “Waterfall” approach came with some serious challenges. It was rigid meaning changes were not easy to implement, time-consuming and most importantly, risky.

Then came Agile. Consisting of a group of software development methodologies this new way of thinking gave teams the freedom they needed. Its values and principles were first expressed in the Agile Manifesto.

What is Agile Methodology?

The Agile Methodology is a project management approach that consists of a set of principles. Those principles respond to the unpredictability of building software through incremental, iterative styles called sprints. In a nutshell, agile breaks each product into smaller tasks.

This approach encourages teamwork and face to face communication as all parties involved in product design (business, stakeholders, developers etc.) work closely together to implement the end product.

Ok, then what is Scrum?

Now, Scrum is an agile process that consists of a specific set of rules. According to, “Scrum is a lightweight yet incredibly powerful set of values, principles and practices. Scrum relies on cross-functional teams to deliver products and services in short cycles.” As you can understand this means a faster return on investment for businesses.

But which is best for you? We hope the infographic below will help clear things up:

