Back to work blues? This infographic will help you… beat it!

Agile Actors


Salty hair, don’t care? Well, this feeling is or will soon be gone. The dreaded first days back in the office can be tough. First of all, you have to fight your daydreaming about those great summer memories where you lied on your sunbed, reading your book or catching up on the latest articles on PlayBook ;). Then, you have to deal with the infinite number of emails that have cluttered your Inbox and all the accumulated tasks waiting to be marked as done!

Keep calm, as the post-vacation blues can wake up emotions such as stress and sadness. And you don’t want that! What you need are simple tips and tricks that will help you embrace going back to work, getting organizes and boost your productivity level. All this rest can have a great impact on your work if you avoid procrastination.

From eating brain-boosting food to planning weekly activities and organizing your next getaway the infographic below showcases a great variety of advice to make the transition from vacation mode to work mode, smooth.

And because sharing is always caring… don’t hesitate to share this helpful article with other fellow colleagues that also struggle with their first days (or week!) back to work.

