Battle of the Titans — “The Witcher 3 VS. Skyrim” the AA review!

Agile Actors


In the last decade, there have been so many technology-changing games that we don’t dare to count. Games that have made us use our brains with amazing riddles, games that have made us wonder what’s real and what’s fantasy. In short, games that have achieved their purpose completely: take us away from reality through the power of imagination, imagery, and of course, technology.

Now, everybody who’s ever played a game has an opinion. Good or bad, justified or irrational, it doesn’t matter. They have, and they own their opinions, and that’s good. But what’s even better is an opinion by an expert on the field. A software developer.

This time we put to the test 2 games that need no introduction.
If you ever even sat across a gamer, you will know these 2 games: The Witcher 3 vs Skyrim. The 1st changed everything we knew about story driven RPGs, while the 2nd actually introduced the category along with some amazing features.

Both games are a bit old, as far as technological achievements are concerned. But, because of their greatness, they are still being played by hardcore fans and are still being modded by the communities.

Let’s see what our Software Developers had to say!

Q: What do you think about REDengine that CD PROJECT RED used for The Witcher 3?


Charalampos: “Really nice graphics, even by today’s standards.”

Thanos: “The ”E3 version looked better, but still I liked it very much.”

Q: Now, what do you think about the Creation Engine that Bethesda used for Skyrim?


Charalampos: “Nice for the time that was used. It’s been many years, of course.”

Giorgos: “Trash! But for the year of its creation, it was as beautiful as it can get.”

Q: Out of the 2 games, which 1 seems smoother technically?
Of course, Skyrim came out years before The Witcher 3.


Charalampos: “The Witcher 3 by far.”

Giorgos: “I can say that both games had their own special technicalities. For example, Skyrim has lots of different abilities but on the other hand The Witcher 3 has the signs, which give you the option to play the game your own way.”

Thanos: “The Witcher 3. But I played it 3 years after its release so most of the bugs were fixed.”

Q: Now, of the 2 games which do you think is harder to produce and why?


Giorgos: “I think The Witcher 3 due to its combat system, story, graphics and, of course, music.”

Thanos: “The Witcher 3. More original story and side quests. Also, the engine Bethesda used was already used before. And probably CD PROJECT RED had fewer people than Bethesda.

Q: How many hours have you spent enjoying the games?


Charalampos: 21–100

Giorgos: 101–200

Thanos: 101–200

That’s over a full week for 2/3 of our professionals!

Q: How many bugs have you identified? Come on, be honest.


Charalampos: 0–10

Thanos: 11–29

Giorgos: 30+

And those are all very different answers!

Q: Both games have vast amounts of mods from gamers. What does it take to build such mods?


Thanos: “Popularity of the game and how mod friendly is the game engine.”

Q: Overall, which do you prefer? Is it a technical matter or the overall experience?


Charalampos: “The Witcher 3 since it is a more contemporary game with better world building.”

Giorgos: “Although I have more hours in The Witcher 3 due to its massive DLCs, I will always love and appreciate Skyrim ❤”

Thanos: “The Witcher 3 because of the overall experience.”

Well, there you have it. We think this time we have an obvious winner and it is The Witcher 3.

On the other hand, every gamer is a winner if they’ve ever played such glorious games. And every person is a winner if they’ve ever witnessed such great technological achievements. Really, are you into technology?
Of course you are! Give us a call, if you want to work for a company that really appreciates everything tech. Check out our openings!

