Books, Talks, Articles: Resources for Agile Enthusiasts

Agile Actors
Published in
3 min readMay 8, 2019


By Nikos Batsios, Agile Coach

Αt this sequel to the “4 Questions on Agile” post, which covered basic Agile ground, we are delving deeper into Agile territory with three more questions:

Is there a list of recommended articles on Agile?

Trying to come up with an answer to this question, I decided to first highlight the importance of learning when it comes to grasping the Agile philosophy! For that reason, I would suggest you start building your learning path. As an inspiration, you might take a look in

Never Stop Learning: How Self Education Creates a Bullet-Proof Career”, an article on personal growth that helped me a lot in my own quest for learning.

Furthermore, many years ago I came across a really interesting blog post on the human aspect of Agile, “The Power of Humane Relationships by Organisational Psychotherapist Bob Marshall. In it, Bob mentions the following:

“Few have even an inkling that the power of agile comes from a different source entirely. One very alien to most people and most organisations. It’s the power of human — and humane — relationships. The kind of relationships that we very rarely see manifest in traditional businesses.”

Is there a recommended talk on Agile?

I would strongly recommend a talk by Martin Fowler, a renowned speaker on the topic of software development. This talk, titled “The State of Agile Software”, was given n 2018 in Australia and its transcript is full of valuable insights on the world of agile software development.

Plus, I highly suggest you watch the various talks from the excellent speakers and thought leaders we had as guests at the Agile Greece Summit during the last 4 years. You can find most of them in our summit YouTube channel and further explore their writings.

Is there a recommended book on Agile?

Four years of groundbreaking research to include data collected from the State of DevOps reports resulted in “Accelerate: The Science of Lean Software and DevOps: Building and Scaling High Performing Technology Organizations” by Nicole Forsgren PhD, Jez Humble and Gene Kim. A must-read that stands out of other books about technology approaches due to its clarity and practicality.

At Agile Actors, we have the passion, knowledge and experience to help you with the process of creating the new normal for your ecosystem. We hear and deeply understand your problems, challenges, needs and aspirations. We respect your people and your context. We are inspired by many frameworks, methods and practices and we are serving you with a humane approach to get the most out of them and meet your needs.

Together with you, we co-create the change you want to see in your ecosystem and set the foundations to grow strong, continue and enjoy your journey!

Get in touch with us to discuss how we can best serve your needs.

