Agile Actors
Published in
3 min readMar 11, 2024


February every year gives us many reasons to celebrate. From the most famous ones, like Valentine's Day, to some really exquisite ones like National Tortellini day, people can always find something to celebrate the last month of the winter.

Some Februaries are richer than others, though. Because every 4 years, we are gifted with 1 extra day: The leap day! Do you want to know what we did? We celebrated every day in February like it was our leap day. That’s right, we went extra on our social media and created content that we loved even more.

And now, we’re going to share this month’s highlights with you! Just like that, let’s take a leap on our social media posts for February.


Of course we would start with this platform, since here we mostly talk about technology! We have 2 highlights for Linkedin:

Love at first site

Nasia Samsouri, one of our many great Software Developers, talks about her love at first site. The moment she realized that she would become a techy and delve into the world of programming. In her own words: “Today, as I reflect on my journey, I can’t help but feel grateful. I’m living proof that passion knows no bounds — that sometimes, the most unexpected paths lead to the greatest discoveries.”.

GreeceJS meetup

Always a celebration, GreeceJS meetups become better, larger and tech-ier by the minute. Konstantinos Galousis, our Web Chapter Lead, was there to answer any questions about Agile Actors, and join the great talks and discussions.


We love Instagram, because usually you can find beautiful pictures of people, landscapes, pets or anything. We also post beautiful stuff of course. Because beauty is in the eye of the tech enthusiast! Isn’t that what they say?

Be like Nasia

Our “Be like…” series is 1 of our fans’ most beloved. Why? Because it is a shout-out to regular people with brilliant minds. Also, because it highlights how important technology, sharing, and ideas are to each and every Agile Actor out there. Nasia is an active member of the tech community, investing her time and energy in helping the tech professionals come together and the community grow! So, what are you waiting for? Be like Nasia.


TikTok is a platform where everyone has fun! We wouldn’t miss that of course. And, just like we said at the beginning, this month we celebrated our TikTok post with a leap.

Just another day

Ok, we don’t dance every day or wear these clothes. Well, not all of us at least. But we love our job and technology so much that actually it doesn’t make a difference to us if it is Friday, Monday, leap day, or any other day. Every day, we are happy to be part of the tech community. Every day, we find a challenge that makes our day.

And that’s about it for this month! We hope you loved our highlights as much as we loved creating them. If you share our enthusiasm for technology, we would like to meet you! So, why don’t you check out our openings?

