How it started vs. How it’s going.

Agile Actors
2 min readOct 21, 2021


Continuous growth and development

It all started a few years ago with a vision of our founders and thought leaders; a people centric, coaching organization that provides top quality services to customers looking to augment their teams. From a small apartment as our start-up office space to a 3-storey building, from a few technology professionals to more than 320 currently billable technology professionals plus the establishment of a stand alone unit with 200 tech professionals for one of our major clients, Agile Actors trajectory has been on a steady incline in all aspects.

Let’s take a look at the numbers!

A lot has changed since the beginning, but our values have been solid throughout. All this wouldn’t be possible if it wasn’t for the inclusive, learning culture that has been cultivated since day one, with servant leadership and a growth mindset at the backbone. Agile Actors is a collective effort of all its people working towards a common goal, that being the environment of choice for tech professionals to grow and develop as well as the preferred choice of our long-lasting customers when it comes to satisfying their production needs.

What started out as a dream of our founders, manifested into a true developmental experience for tech professionals and customers alike, as “a goal is a dream with a deadline”.

Join the AA experience and keep on growing together. Read all about our Chapters and check out our respective openings here!

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