How Servant Leaders empower others at work?

Agile Actors
Published in
2 min readMay 21, 2019


One of the key principles of Servant Leadership, which makes this approach so effective in the workplace, is that of empowerment. Servant Leaders should be able to build an empowered, non controlling workplace, where employees have the ability to grow and trust their potential.

Let’s look at four ways that Servant Leaders can empower others:

Servant Leaders delegate authority, not tasks

The only way that an employee can improve on or obtain new skills is when they have the authority to do so and are not constantly concerned with too much workload. Servant Leaders help employees work on and showcase their capabilities by transferring authority to them, not by giving them a list of tasks for them to complete.

Servant Leaders educate employees and share information with them

Knowledge is power and a good Servant Leaders knows that information needs to be disseminated to employees, in order to expect of them to act accordingly and come up with carefully thought-out decisions. Same goes with education since a Servant Leader needs to also act as a teacher, providing employees with the educative material that will help them grow their competencies and become better at what they do.

Servant Leaders provide constructive feedback

Feedback is essential in the growth of any professional and Servant Leaders need to be adept in providing it in a constructive way and never forget to give praise where praise is due. Knowing where his/her performance stands is a major step for an employee towards feeling empowered.

Servant Leaders trust employees

The importance of trust in the workplace cannot be stressed enough. It is a Servant Leader’s duty to put his faith in the members of his team and then expect them to do the same. Simply put, Servant Leaders trust to be trusted!

