How using your vacation days will help you grow

Agile Actors


Did you know that people using their time off are actually more productive and more prone to get a raise than those who don’t? So, if you were actually considering not taking some time off this summer in order to stay ahead with work and your career, well think again!

According to a survey by FlexJobs, Millenials are quite reluctant to take time off work. Many fear that if they take a vacation this could backfire to their career, be an inconvenience to their boss (notice we didn’t mention the servant leader?) or even be a burden to their co-workers. What they don’t realise is that by not taking some time off to relax, recharge and reflect they are actually sabotaging their careers and professional growth.

As we have previously discussed, the way to professional growth is through personal growth. This means that when you are content and feel good then you are a better employee.

Below, are 4 reasons why going on vacation or taking some time off can help you grow professionally:

1. You’ll feel better and work better.

Vacations are great stress relievers, according to a study conducted by the American Psychological Association. The headaches and backaches you’ve been complaining about will shortly vanish if you take the time off to relax and do other things instead of work, work, work.

2. You’ll get your motivation back!

Lately, you feel your mojo is gone! This means that you need some vacation time to clear your head, reboot and restart. But in order for this to work, you’ll have to not only take some time off but also go offline. No checking work emails. No responding. Just vacationing!

If you worry the world will end when you are away, you can always brief the colleague who is going to take over while you are gone and be worry-free.

3. You’ ll have the time to reflect and set new goals.

When you view something from afar is easier to see what you’ve been neglecting. Are you content? Is this the right job for you? Where do you see yourself in the next five years or even next year?

Having that time to yourself will help you see what you really want and go after it, whether this is a promotion or even a career change.

4. You’ll get inspired.

Did you know that for each additional 10 hours of vacation time employees took, their year-end performance ratings improved by 8% (Ernst & Young Study)? This is due to the fact that a change of scenery can help you clear your head and absorb new stimuli that will help boost your creativity and performance.

In fact, according to another study, mega-travellers (people who choose their time off to travel) are significantly happier than the ones who choose to stay at home and are also more likely to get promoted!

All in all, not working for a few days per year will actually make you better at work. The choice is yours!

