Just a Dream or the Future in Disguise?

Agile Actors


A wise man once said that the past, the present and the future can’t be considered as different eras since they always coexist. How? People from different generations live together, share the land, the air and the sea. In their memories there are always fragments of the past. In their everyday lives they feel and share the present and, of course, in their minds and dreams there are sometimes glimpses of the future.

Talking about dreams and what the future holds, imagine this: you’re in the 1960’s and a car turns around the corner. Your friend then turns to you and says: “in the 2010’s there will be cars driven without a driver”. What would your reaction be, do you imagine? For you it could be just a joke or a dream. As it turns out though, it was actually the future. Let’s take a look at some technology innovations that may look like a dream today but could easily be just a prediction for the future.

1. Superhuman strength: could this be?

Ok, let’s get one thing straight. Nobody is talking about a miraculous bat-bite or a Kryptonite fearing superhuman. What is already thought of and already launched in an early stage is an exoskeleton suit. Yes, we’re not joking. We’re talking about a suit that can “lend” a vastly powerful hand to anyone wearing it, to do any weight-lifting job look like a piece of cake. Futurists take it to the next level by suggesting clothing that can give super-speed as well, but that for now is just a dream.

2. Space Trips: is this possible?

Well, we sincerely do not expect to pop to Mars for a weekend, but we have already seen the first steps into a space vacation. Blue Origin and SpaceX and others as well are trying to make it happen, by developing a sustainable space tourism model. The only thing we can say for sure is that space trips will cost a bit more than just a weekend by the sea, but the thought that humans will be able to travel to space for leisure is a wonder by itself.

3. Reincarnation through the cloud: really?

AI has already taken huge steps into the future. One of the most futuristic and unbelievable are nanobots. Tiny robots that can enter the nervous system and help technology and medicine do an even better job in healing humans. How about “bringing them back”? Ray Kurzweil, the leader in Google’s AI efforts, believes that by 2050 technology will be able to send nanobots into people’s brains and extract memories of loved ones. This extraction along with an augmented DNA sample of the person in question, will probably be able to produce a virtual version of them.

We know that some ideas remain just that, ideas. But even dreams can come to life sometimes. Remember the friends in the 1960’s. They couldn’t even imagine a Tesla car. How would they feel about space travel? Does this make it impossible? Do we need to understand it right now for it to exist in the future? Only time will tell, for sure.

How do you see your future? Are you interested in working for a company where “the future” is one of our favorite topics of discussion? Why don’t you check our current openings here?

