QuaranTeam: Work Remotely, Stay Together

Agile Actors


Agility is in our culture and during quarantine, we got to explore other ways of staying a team and keeping performance high, while working remotely.

At Agile Actors, we excel in building, coaching and managing cross-functional and agile teams of tech professionals that deliver top-quality services. During quarantine, we took it upon us to stay positive and instead explore new ways to enhance our agility and build even stronger teams, who work remotely while staying together.

Within a time span of two weeks, all Agile Actors were adjusted into full-time off-premise work. We provided our professionals with the relevant hardware and migrated all our training, coaching and collaboration meetings to virtual platforms.

To keep our people’s spirits high, we created and distributed the QuaranTeam PlayBook. A handbook that consisted of actions to support professionals aiming at their well-being, staying a team and performing high. Most importantly, the handbook helped all Agile Actors stay connected with our value’s driven culture and ecosystem, even from afar.

How we stayed close while working from a distance:

  • Weekly drop-ins: During this time we discussed and tackled any issues and kept up with what was going on at work and in life.
  • Guidance & Support Non-stop: Quarantine times were challenging. From the very first moment, we indicated our communication channels that were constantly available for any kind of support.
  • Staying Active: Keeping our people motivated and morale high was our top priority. Thus, occasionally we distributed a set of Action Cards with fun activities to enjoy indoors.
Action Card
  • Sharing the Fun and Love: Communication is key for both productivity and positivity. We organized fun polls with topics relevant to quarantine life (eg. best quarantine companion or bake-off) and encouraged everyone to participate by sharing relevant photos. With every winner, a donation would be made to a charity close to the subject.
  • Continuous Learning and Development: We are a learning ecosystem. We stayed true to our values and culture by running smoothly all our training, coaching and learning sessions virtually to enhance our professionals’ soft and hard skills.

Finally, we saw the great opportunities for learning and personal and professional growth during a challenging period and instead of limiting our way of working and tech professionals, we enabled them to boost their skills, stay connected and content.

Stay tuned as we will be sharing more information on life at Agile Actors post-quarantine!


Want to become part of Agile Actors’ learning ecosystem, boost your skills and your career? Check our current openings and apply. We are always excited to meet aspiring tech professionals!

