Test Automation Engineer: A Practical Guide

Agile Actors


Automation has revolutionized the field of software testing. More and more software testers are shifting towards a career as test automation engineers since it has become very popular within organizations. Read below a practical guide to add to your knowledge.

Software testing is paramount to any project as it compares the actual outcome with the expected one and suggests edits and fixes. The techniques used in software testing are manual testing and test automation. Manual testing, although some believe is more meticulous, it is time-consuming as it requires a lot of physical time and effort, it is repetitive and most importantly it can be error-prone. Automating tests by running pre-scripted tests has given testers the potential to save time and cover a lot more areas through testing.

5 Benefits of Test Automation

Test automation has become very popular especially when big projects are involved that require testing the same areas over and over again. The truth is that test automation offers some great benefits:

  • It requires minimal human intervention (tests can run overnight)
  • It increases the speed of test execution and coverage
  • It is easier to test multilingual sites
  • It is less error-prone
  • It is agile!

The Test Automation Pyramid Strategy

The Agile Manifesto sought to revolutionize the delivery of software products, serving as the answer to various problems that have been made evident during the ’90s. Since then, more and more organizations adopt Agile methodologies in an effort to streamline their processes.

That shift to being agile led many teams a pyramid testing strategy called test automation pyramid strategy. This strategy, first introduced by Mike Cohn in his book Succeeding with Agile, focuses on running tests at three different levels:

Source: abstracta

All in all, as a test automation engineer you know that building a successful automated testing strategy is a challenge. We hope the curated articles below will provide you with helpful knowledge and inspiration on how to adopt a test automation mindset and make good use of it within a team.

How Agile Teams Use Test Automation Pyramid? | LambdaTest

Top 5 Python Frameworks For Test Automation | LambdaTest

Top 15 Interview Questions For Test Automation Engineers

22 Reasons Why Test Automation Fails For Your Web App

Succeeding in the World of Test Automation: A Slack Takeover with Paul Grizzaffi

Modern Software Architecture

Kaspresso: The autotest framework that you have been looking forward to. Part I

