The tech professional’s essential movie list

Agile Actors
Published in
3 min readJan 24, 2019


After a long day spent on software engineering, every tech pro needs to sit back and unwind. What best than to watch a movie whose subject matter will include people like him/her, along with valuable lessons to be learned?

Here is our list of top 5 movies that will satisfy the cinephile in you:


1) ‘Steve Jobs’ by Danny Boyle or ‘The Social Network’ by David Fincher

You have probably watched these two already, but if you haven’t then now is the perfect opportunity to dive into the minds and psyche of two hugely influential tech figures, who haven’t transformed just their respective industries but the lives of millions around the world. At what cost, you may ask? The answers await you in these biopics made by two acclaimed directors who wish to paint a comprehensive picture of the men behind the genius.


2) ‘Ex-machina’ by Alex Garland

It’s all about AI these days, but what would happen if you got invited to the house of a tech billionaire to perform the Turing test on his fully developed android creation, who happens to also be very attractive? This is the premise of this chilling film that poses questions on the nature and boundaries of AI while keeping you glued to your seat with its fast pace and unexpected twists.


3) ‘The Imitation Game’ by Morten Tyldum

We mentioned the Turing test above, so it’s also natural that our next choice would be about the life of the man who revolutionized computer science, Alan Turing and his extraordinary achievement: how he managed to decipher German communications during World War II! But beware: his priceless contribution to the fate of humanity was not appreciated when it came to matters of his personal life. A true story that will inspire and move you.


4) ‘Sneakers’ by Phil Alden Robinson

Who doesn’t love a good hacking movie, especially if it is steeped in sweet 90’s nostalgia? Robert Redford stars as Martin Bishop, the head of a group of experts who specialize in testing security systems. When a top-secret black box comes into his possession, he discovers that it is a weapon that can decode all existing encryption systems around the world. Suspense, realistic hacking scenes and bits of comedy make ‘Sneakers’ a must-watch.


5) ‘Ready Player One’ by Steven Spielberg

Welcome to the year 2045, when humanity has fallen on hard times and the only escape from grim reality is OASIS, an immersive virtual universe where the only limits are those of your imagination. When OASIS is in danger of destruction, one of its best players goes on a quest to save it. Witness a pop-culture extravaganza by the hands of one of the best visual storytellers the world has ever known and prepare to be immensely entertained. Oh, and if you are left wanting more, there is also the book of the same name, upon which the movie was based!

