Top 8 AI TED Talks to Watch

Agile Actors


With August just around the corner, we have decided to present to you a list of the most fascinating and inspiring Artificial Intelligence TED Talks. Treat yourself to some summer leisure and relaxation while listening to these:

Sylvain Duranton: How Humans and AI can work together to create better businesses

Using Artificial Intelligence alongside humans and not instead of them. A formula companies must adopt to successfully employ AI while keeping humans in the loop.

Mariana Lin: How we can bring AI personalities to life

Conversing with the AI persona Mariana Lin created exclusively for this talk. Sharing insights on what knowledge she’s acquired while designing artificial personalities.

Danielle Citron: How deep fakes undermine truth and threaten democracy

Using deepfake technology to manipulate video and audio for malicious purposes. How will this shape what we believe about the world? Suggestions and approaches on how to successfully safeguard the truth.

Nivruti Rai: An open-source database to create “guardian angel” AI

Explaining how machine-learning can flourish once it’s able to analyze complex traffic patterns.

Maurice Conti: The Incredible inventions of Intuitive AI

Imagine what can happen when you give to a design tool a digital nervous system…Computers that can improve our ability to think and imagine, and robotic systems that come up with (and build) radical new designs for bridges, cars, drones and much more — all by themselves.

Nick Bostrom: What Happens When our Computers Get Smarter than We Are?

Will our smart machines help to preserve humanity and our values or will they have values of their own? That is one of the very interesting questions Nick Bostrom poses for us in this fascinating talk.

Sam Harris: Can we Build AI without Losing Control Over it?

Are you scared of superintelligent AI? You should be… since we haven’t yet grappled with the problems associated with creating something that may treat us the way we treat ants.

Tom Gruber: How AI can Enhance our Memory, Work and Social Lives

How smart can our machines make us? Sharing the vision for a future where AI helps us achieve superhuman performance in perception, creativity and cognitive function.

Enjoy this selected list of TED Talks on Artificial Intelligence. Keep in mind that it is only a short list of presentations and it is in no way as extensive as the issue of AI is.

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