What Matters in Agile Actors

Agile Actors


The core of Agile Actors is our professionals. Thus, our vision is to provide an environment that encourages and promotes continuous professional and personal growth and development, helping our professionals reach their full potential. This is how we do it!

Within the Agile Actors ecosystem, we have a skillset map that guides our professionals along their journey on their personal development plan. It is constituted of the “tools” required for a professional’s growth.

A combination of Competencies, Experiences, Values’ Based Traits and Contributions, is what we look for and cultivate in our professionals.

The above factors, none more important than the other, are a result of our Values as well as the Dreyfus Model of skill acquisition which our operational model is based on.

The Dreyfus Model of Skill Development:

By closely approaching our Values, we were able to translate them into behaviors, or Values’ Based Traits, which in turn were deconstructed to Competencies.

These four factors are the building blocks of our learning culture’s strong foundation which stimulates and supports continuous individual development through the acquisition of higher-level soft skills as well as hard/technical skills.

Interested in joining Agile Actors and reaching your maximum potential, both professionally and personally? Check our job openings.

