12 Skills for Agile Development as per Gartner (2022)

Useful read for software engineers

Hrishikesh Karekar
Agile and beyond !


The article could have had some more depth and details. But from the perspective of a CXO who is looking at a bird’s eye view of what is important, it does give a decent representation.

I especially like the part where scaling has been moved out of the core. Much waste has been generated past few years by everyone pushing some scaled framework training down to all levels, especially junior developers, when it’s not needed.

They would be far better off with a good understanding of Scrum, User Stories and Test-First approaches.

Source: 12 Agile Skills for Software Developers (gartner.com)

Read the full article from Gartner here:

12 Agile Skills for Software Developers (gartner.com)

