Can you Grunt something better?

Matic Čretnik
Published in
1 min readSep 20, 2016
Gulp vs. Grunt

As we said in one of our previous blog posts, Grunt and Gulp get, accidentally or not, mixed up very often. The confusion is therefore present on more occasions that we would have liked or cared to admit. To avoid any misconceptions we promised that we will present you the differences between the two. And our promise lies here, in front of you.

As both are built scripts, some like to call it a battle of Built Scripts. Both automate our tasks, both use Node and they both require you to create tasks and install plugins of some sort. But what are the differences? Which one is better? Which one is friendlier to the user? Which one is faster? And after all, which one will satisfy you the most?

To find out click here.

