Drupal 8 Modules we use at Agiledrop

Matic Čretnik
Published in
2 min readSep 15, 2017

In July, we were quite active in the field of modules. We have looked at the most popular ones and the best for Drupal 8. But as promised that was not our last stop. Namely, this time we will explore Drupal 8 modules we use at Agiledrop.

Our company has completed more than 200 projects. After the release of Drupal 8, many projects were dealt with in the newest version of this open-source platform. Some modules from Drupal 7 were moved to the core in Drupal 8. Moreover, there were also modules that we not converted properly to the Drupal 8. That all resulted in a fact that from around 12 000 modules only around 1000 of them were in a stable version for Drupal 8.

Nevertheless, you have to deal with the challenges, despite some troubles you might have along the way, due to a lack of modules. So, here are the Drupal 8 modules we use at AGILEDROP.

First, we will point out a Context groups, Drupal 8 module, made by our full-stack developer Igor Curk. With this module, you handle a block layout. However, we have explained quite a lot of things about this module and you can read about them in our blog post here.

Context groups is not the last Drupal 8 module, which contains a word group in its name. In some cases, we also used Field Group and Group. The first one group fields together, while the second one allows users to create arbitrary collections of their content and users on their site. We have also explained, why and how it defeats Organic Groups for Drupal 7.

More about, which Drupal 8 modules we use at AGILEDROP.

