DrupalCon sessions about Drupal Showcase

Matic Čretnik
Published in
2 min readJun 5, 2017

Last time, we gathered together DrupalCon Baltimore sessions about Coding and Development. Before that, we explored the area of Project Management and Case Studies. And that was not our last stop. This time, we looked at sessions that were presented in the area of Drupal Showcase.

Ain’t No Body: Not Your Mama’s Headless Drupal by Paul Day from Quotient, Inc.

This session explores disembodied Drupal, also known as bodiless Drupal- an application that uses Drupal’s powerful framework to do things it does well while storing the actual domain data in a remote repository. Moreover, it explores applications that are both disembodied and headless — in which Drupal is the framework used to maintain data stored in a remote repository; and kiosk applications and other non-Drupal front end leverage the stored data, whether via Drupal paths or otherwise.

Continuous Integration is For Teams by Rob Bayliss from Last Call Media and Drew Gorton from Pantheon

This session looked through the eyes of the real world at Continuous Integration. It went past the tooling hype and looked at the benefits of CI for developers, project managers, and clients. After all, a successful Continuous Integration practice makes a team work faster, safer, and more predictable.

Extending your application to the edge: best practices for using a CDN from Fastly

In this session, attendees discussed caching strategies when using CDNs. More specifically, they covered caching long tail content, caching fast-changing content, invalidation, stale and error conditions, and best ways to interact with a CDN when it comes to cached content. The session was supported by real-world examples to showcase new ways of using a CDN as a platform that extends applications to the network edge.

More sessions about Drupal Showcase from DrupalCon Baltimore.

