DrupalCon sessions about Front End

Matic Čretnik
Published in
2 min readJun 21, 2017

Last time, we gathered together DrupalCon Baltimore sessions about Site Building. Before that, we explored the area of Drupal Showcase, Coding and Development,Project Management and Case Studies. And that was not our last stop. This time, we looked at sessions that were presented in the area of Front End.

Atomic Design in Drupal 8: Isolating frontend workflow with Pattern Lab! by Anthony Simone from Elevated Third

This session reviewed the basic principles of Pattern Lab and atomic design but focused on the practical implementation of Pattern Lab in the next Drupal project.

Back to the Basics: Best Practices for Front End Developers by Tessa Kriesel fromPantheon

This session looked at how the developers can do their very best work so that their clients are receiving a top notch website and not just a site filled with the latest and greatest libraries and frameworks.

Beyond Screen Readers: Diverse Accessibility Needs in Custom Themes by Erin Marchak from My planet

This session explored some of the under-represented gaps in Drupal 8 accessibility and demonstrated methods for tackling these gaps with user’s custom Drupal 8 themes.

Creating Layouts and Landing Pages for Drupal 8 by Suzanne Dergacheva fromEvolving Web

In this session, the word was about different techniques for creating layouts in Drupal 8 — from how to configure landing page content using Paragraphs or Panels to implementing a grid system with users theme. So, attendees walked away with some new tips and tricks under their belt.

More sessions about Front End from DrupalCon Baltimore.

