How to improve the SEO on your Drupal site

Matic Čretnik
Published in
2 min readJul 31, 2017

Everybody wants to be high on web search engines results because when people look for information, they rarely get past the first page of Google, Yahoo, Bing … So, if you don’t show up high in a search engine results, the potential customers will have hard times finding you. Or, most likely, they won’t find you at all. Luckily, there are some ways to boost your rankings in search engine results.

With Modules

There are many Drupal modules, which will help you enhance the search engine optimization (SEO). In fact, we have already made a list of the best Drupal SEO modulesto optimize your website. The list includes Google Analytics, SEO Checklist, Metatags, Content Optimizer, Pathauto and so on. It’s hard to expect that you will try all of them, so it’s up to you to test some of them and see if the results match your expectations.

With Keywords

It’s crucial to define the keywords you will target. These keywords can be then in the centre of your SEO campaign. But to do so, you must make a research about them. Some of the Drupal SEO modules will help you have control over the keywords, but you must first find them. The easiest way to do so is with Google Trends, which allows you to see how a specific keyword has done over the years. And with that, you will know if there is any traffic potential from that keyword. After you have selected them, you can use a Keyword planner to see, how frequently terms are searched per month, how competitive they are for ranking, and how much they cost to advertise on.

More about how to improve the SEO on your Drupal site.

