Matic Čretnik
Published in
2 min readDec 12, 2016

We recently decided that at the beginning of every month we will look at the topics we covered in our blog posts in the previous month. So, we began last week with our first overview. But we were not satisfied only with that. Therefore, we also decided to look around and gather for you the best Drupal blogs that other authors have written over the past month. Here’s our first selection, which includes blogs, which were written in November.

Drupal 8 turns one

We’ll start with the most obvious one. It’s the one from the founder Dries Buytaert, who dedicated his post to the first anniversary of Drupal 8. He looked back at a few of the amazing Drupal 8 projects, which were launched in that period, like NBA, Jack Daniels, WWF …

You can read the blog post here.

How to organize a DrupalCon

The second one is from Spela Grasic, who looked behind the scenes of DrupalCon to find out how the event design and planning process of such major event looks like. She discovered how lead DrupalCon coordinator Amanda Gonser manages to make sure that DrupalCon event runs smoothly.

You can read the blog post here.

File Entity Browser

We continue with Ixis, which presented a module File Entity Browser. This module helps content creators to deal with everyday troubles regarding Media files. It’s true that a lot have been said around media in Drupal, but this post will make your media issues a lot easier.

You can read the blog post here.

I want to further read the post.

