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Changing the Way We Change: Adaptive vs Technical Challenges

Katrina Marshall Dyrting
Nordic Management Lab
3 min readMay 28, 2021


The number of challenges we face as this year unfolds are countless. A global economy grappling with the effects of a lasting pandemic. Consumer pressures to act on sustainability issues. A lasting shift towards flexible work conditions. An undeniable demand to tackle inequality at the workplace and beyond.

Organisations are feeling the heat to address these challenges to be fit for the future and simultaneously create a workplace that is fit for humans. The organisations that can respond and transform, while running the business, will stay relevant in the future.

When evolution is needed in our organisations, most organisations turn to classic change methodologies with — to put it cynically — ivory tower decision making, big bang reveals and scoped sequential cascading exercises. The epic challenges mentioned above are going to take a different approach: if we want to tackle these challenges, we need to change the way we change.

In order to propose a new approach to change, we must first understand what characterises the challenges that we face. Management thinkers, Ron Heifetz and Marty Linsky, offer a useful distinction between two types of challenges: Technical Challenges and Adaptive Challenges.

Technical Challenges are easily defined and their solution exists within the boundaries of knowledge that we already have within the problem space. People with more knowledge (experts), will be able to fast-track the solving of the challenge. A simplified example of a technical challenge is the assembly of flatpack furniture: It comes with a detailed set of instructions, call the manufacturer if you get stuck and you’ll get better with practice.

Technical challenges can be tackled step by step (Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash)

Adaptive Challenges are difficult to define as they exist in a world of complex interdependencies; if we “solve” one problem, several new problems are created. There is no single solution to an adaptive challenge, but rather many possible solutions that need to be tried and tested. Because of the increased complexity of Adaptive Challenges, we are required to go beyond the boundaries of what we already know, to collaborate in search of new perspectives, and to learn together through prototyping and innovation.

Adaptive challenges can be solved in many different ways simultaneously and the solutions are yet to be found — we have to be ready to test ideas to figure out what works (Photo by Diz Play on Unsplash)

The problem with classic top-down change management is that we treat adaptive challenges as if they were technical ones. And to exacerbate that problem, many of our large organisations are now stuck in a structure built for that way of thinking.

How to get unstuck? Put the opportunity to drive change into the hands of everyone in the organisation. Allow change to surge through your organisation as a movement. Within our organisations, let’s redefine HOW change happens, WHO ignites and performs it, and WHEN it might be triggered.

Credit to Susan Salzbrenner for co-writing parts of this article



Katrina Marshall Dyrting
Nordic Management Lab

Holding space for emergence. Exploring the future of work. Prototyping a way forward.