Challenges of Scaling Agile Methodologies: Coordination and Communication Across Multiple Projects

Amrit Bhatia
Agile Insider
Published in
5 min readApr 18, 2023

Abstract: Agile methodologies have become increasingly popular in software development projects because they focus on flexibility, adaptability, and continuous improvement. However, as the number of projects and teams grows, scaling agile methodologies becomes more challenging, requiring effective coordination and communication across multiple projects. This article explores the challenges of scaling agile methods and the importance of coordination and communication in addressing these challenges.

Introduction: Agile methodologies have revolutionized software development projects by emphasizing flexibility, adaptability, and collaboration. However, the success of agile methods depends on their effective implementation and scalability. As the number of projects and teams grows, scaling agile methodologies becomes more challenging, and project managers must find ways to coordinate and communicate across multiple projects to maintain the effectiveness of agile methods. Let’s explore the challenges of scaling agile methodologies and the importance of coordination and communication in addressing these challenges.

Challenges of Scaling Agile Methodologies:

Agile methodologies involve applying agile principles to large, complex projects involving multiple teams and stakeholders. Some of the critical challenges of scaling agile methods include the following:

Communication and Coordination: As the number of teams and projects increases, it can be challenging to ensure everyone knows what is happening in other projects and how they may be impacted. Miscommunication or a lack of communication can lead to delays, rework, or missed opportunities.

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Example: A company has multiple agile teams working on different parts of a large-scale software project. The development team working on the project’s back end creates a new database schema that significantly changes the data structure. However, the front-end development team is unaware of this change, so its code breaks when it tries to access the database. This miscommunication causes delays and rework for both teams.

Resource Allocation: When scaling agile methodologies, it can be challenging to allocate resources effectively to ensure that all projects are progressing at an appropriate pace. This challenge can become more significant when multiple projects require the same specialized resources or resource demand fluctuates frequently.

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Example: A company has two agile teams working on separate software projects. Both teams need access to a limited pool of database administrators who can set up and manage databases. When one of the projects experiences a sudden increase in workload, they need more database administrators, but the administrators are already working with the other team. This misallocation of resources can lead to delays or lower-quality work.

Integration and Alignment: When multiple teams and stakeholders work on different aspects of a project, ensuring that everyone is working towards the same goals and that their work integrates smoothly with others can be challenging. Lack of alignment can lead to conflicts, redundancies, or delays.

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Example: A company has two agile teams working on different software projects. One group is developing a mobile app, and the other is developing a web app. The teams work independently, so they do not realize that both projects require the same back-end APIs. This lack of alignment creates two separate APIs, which leads to additional work, delays, and potential security issues.

Governance and Compliance: Organizational policies, standards, and regulations must be followed when scaling agile methodologies to ensure that the projects comply with legal and ethical requirements. Compliance issues can lead to delays, fines, or reputational damage.

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Example: A company has multiple agile teams working on different software projects. One project involves processing and storing personal data subject to data protection laws. The project team accidentally stores some data insecurely, which violates company policy and puts the company at risk of legal action. This compliance issue leads to delays and additional work to resolve the issue.

Importance of Coordination and Communication:

Effective coordination and communication are critical in addressing the challenges of scaling agile methodologies. Coordination involves aligning the goals, objectives, and activities of multiple projects and teams, while communication facilitates the flow of information, feedback, and ideas across projects and teams. Effective coordination and communication can help to:

  1. Improve collaboration and alignment across projects and teams
  2. Enhance resource allocation and minimize conflicts
  3. Ensure integration and alignment across projects, teams, and stakeholders
  4. Facilitate effective governance and compliance mechanisms


Scaling agile methodologies requires effective coordination and communication across multiple projects and teams. Project managers must find ways to address the challenges of communication, resource allocation, integration and alignment, and governance and compliance to maintain the effectiveness of agile methodologies. Effective coordination and communication can improve collaboration and alignment, enhance resource allocation, ensure integration and alignment, and facilitate effective governance and compliance mechanisms. Due to the increasing popularity of agile methodologies in software development projects, project managers must focus on improving coordination and communication to scale agile methods successfully.


  1. Larman, C., & Vodde, B. (2013). Large-Scale Scrum: More with Less. Pearson Education.
  2. Sutherland, J. (2016). Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time. Random House.
  3. Alqahtani, M., & Kautz, K. (2017). Scaling Agile: A Systematic Literature Review. Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 10(10), 805–822.
  4. Dikert, K., Paasivaara, M., & Lassenius, C. (2016). Challenges and success factors for large-scale agile transformations: A systematic literature



Amrit Bhatia
Agile Insider

Amrit Bhatia leads critical programs at Amazon Web Services (AWS) and previously at HERE Technologies, Grainger, GE-GENPACT, and IBM.