Classes of Service in Kanban: what are they?


This is my understanding of classes of service from the Kanban method.

Classes of Service

Standard/As soon as possible (ASAP)

This is normal work that needs to be done and should be done as quickly as possible.

Fixed Date Work

This is work that has to be done by a particular deadline. Deadline does not include somebody’s grandmother’s birthday or daughter’s birthday. A real deadline, not an arbitrary deadline.

A real deadline means something bad will happen on that date, ie there’s a significant increase in cost. Perhaps we get a penalty or we miss a payment opportunity. The fixed date is real.




John Coleman executive guide, product leader
Agile Insider

Leadershum Power List of the Top 200 Biggest Voices in Leadership in 2023, agility chef, executive agility guide, product manager, creator Kanplexity & Xagility