Essential Techniques for Product Managers in the AI era: Insights from a Practical Guide

Sannette Coetzee
Agile Insider
Published in
3 min readMay 7, 2024

Crafted from my own 20+ years experience implementing scaled product development operating models at Visa, PayPal and running my own company, building my own products.

Here’s a breakdown of the most impactful techniques across the stages of product management: discovery, goal setting, delivery, and launch.

Discover Phase

In the initial phase of product management, the focus is on understanding the customer’s needs, pain points, and potential solutions.

Customer Personas and Empathy Maps: These tools help in visualizing the target customer, understanding their behaviors, and empathizing with their experiences.

Problem Statements and Value Propositions: Clearly defining the problem and articulating the value proposition ensures that the product addresses real customer needs.

Customer Journey Mapping: This technique involves outlining each step of the customer’s interaction with the product, identifying touchpoints where users engage with the product, and highlighting areas for improvement.

Define Phase

This phase is crucial for setting the strategic direction of the product, including planning and roadmapping.

Value Stream Mapping: It helps in understanding the flow of value through different processes and identifying bottlenecks or waste in the product lifecycle.

OKR Writing: Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) are essential for setting goals that are aligned with the company’s vision and measurable through specific results.

Roadmapping: Developing clear roadmaps that outline the timeline of product development and expected deliverables is vital for internal alignment and execution.

Develop Phase

The development phase is all about building the product iteratively and validating it with end-users.

Agile and Scrum Methodologies: Implementing these frameworks supports iterative development, allowing for flexibility and adaptation based on feedback and changing requirements.

Backlog Management: Efficiently prioritizing and managing the product backlog ensures that the team is always working on the most impactful tasks. Techniques such as RICE (Reach, Impact, Confidence, Effort) and MoSCoW (Must have, Should have, Could have, Won’t have) provide structured methods to evaluate and rank project elements based on their importance and urgency.

Deliver Phase

Finally, the delivery phase focuses on launching the product to the market and gathering feedback to refine future iterations.

Release Management: Techniques like feature toggles and phased rollouts help manage the complexity of releasing new features.

Go-To-Market Strategies: Developing effective marketing strategies that align with the product’s value proposition and target audience.

Customer Feedback Loops: Establishing mechanisms to collect and analyze customer feedback post-launch is crucial for ongoing product improvement.

An integrated AI Toolkit

Throughout all these phases, leveraging AI tools can enhance the product management process, for example:

GPT-4 (OpenAI): Useful for generating customer interaction scripts, survey questions, and customer personas.

Peltarion and Crimson Hexagon: These tools provide capabilities for analyzing customer data and social media sentiment to gather deeper insights.

SurveyMonkey and Google Analytics: Offer analytics to understand user behavior and refine customer personas.


The techniques discussed are designed to equip product managers with the necessary tools to navigate the complex landscape of product development efficiently. By integrating AI tools, product managers can enhance their capabilities, making processes faster and more data-driven, ultimately leading to successful product launches and sustained growth.



Sannette Coetzee
Agile Insider

Agile leader & transformer at Visa & PayPal. Creator of innovative,bespoke Agile frameworks & DevOps practices, inspiring speaker & coach. CEO, Acolar Inc.