Five Timeless Lessons

How to pull off big ideas, why success is often hidden, and more

Linda Z
Agile Insider


Source: Adobe In Stock

I read a lot of books, but rarely do I pull all-nighters to finish them. Amazon Unbound is an exception, and a reminder of the gap between masterpieces and all the rest.

Out of 500 pages comes 5 timeless lessons on how to pull off big ideas, why success is often hidden, finding a company’s real values, and balancing customer and business needs. ‍

Tale of two voice assistants

We think being first matters, but the real prize is being the last prevailing solution.

Siri was the first voice assistant to arrive in people’s ears. It was one of Steve Jobs’s final passion projects at Apple, predating Alexa by 3 years.

A key difference in their trajectory? Siri lost Jobs’s active support, while Alexa had Bezos’s laser-focused attention.

Every big idea needs a powerful sponsor to live long enough to meet its potential. Why? Because the bigger the idea, the more it follows the rollercoaster of emotions:


