How to manage discovery and delivery work on a Kanban board?


On a Kanban board, you have

  • a definition of workflow,
  • a start point,
  • a finish point,
  • a cycle time (how long does the work take to get from the start point to the finish point),
  • throughput (what is the rate of items being delivered across the finish point per time period, e.g. per day, per week, per sprint),
  • work item age (what is the elapsed time from which a work item has started, but has still not yet finished),
  • Work-In-Progress (WIP) (all the items that are within the starting point and the finish point).

Types of Work on a Kanban board

You could argue, on a Kanban board we have:

  • discovery work;
  • development work; and
  • delivery work.

Discovery Work



John Coleman executive guide, product leader
Agile Insider

Leadershum Power List of the Top 200 Biggest Voices in Leadership in 2023, agility chef, executive agility guide, product manager, creator Kanplexity & Xagility