How to spend your first 90 days at a new job

Linda Z
Agile Insider
Published in
5 min readMar 23, 2022


Source: Adobe InStock

You’re new, a little nervous, and want to hit the ground running. What’s the best way to spend your first 30, 60, 90 days at a new job?

I made this detailed checklist last year which strangely found some traction on HackerNews, so I figured a fresh update would be useful.

Getting onboarding right is like the Goldilocks story: do too little and you disappoint; do too much and you upset. What is just right? How do you go from unknown outsider to trusted insider?‍

Day 0–30: breadth over depth

Tip #1: avoid tunnel vision. When you’re new, it’s tempting to fall down a rabbithole and make it your sole focus. It feels productive and reassuring. But you can’t develop good judgment without broader context.

The first 30 days is a rare opportunity to gain that context. It’s about meeting people, mapping the business equation, and playing with the product while you have fresh eyes.‍

“Create leverage”

If you’re a doer at heart like me, it feels weird to not produce anything. So here’s an underrated outlet: document what you learn as you learn them.

The first audience is yourself — writing clarifies your thinking. A second audience could be your manager. Signaling your…

