How To Validate Your Ideas Fast

Turn months and weeks into mere hours

Linda Z
Agile Insider


Source: Adobe In Stock

Let’s say you’re building a product for high schoolers. You’re not sure if you’re on the right track. Do you:

  • Make a list of high schoolers you know (aka your cousins) and call them
  • Launch ads on Instagram and TikTok targeting high schoolers
  • Build a referral program

Option 1 means you get feedback by the end of the day. Option 2 requires ad creative and a functioning product, which will take another 4 weeks. Option 3 is useless without a strong base of customers who already love the product.

Option 1 looks promising, but what if you can go even faster?‍

Take a shortcut

You’re 5 minutes away from the local mall where high schoolers like to hang out. You decide to set up shop and offer them a burrito in exchange for feedback on your app.


You net 20 real customers in 5 hours! On day 2, you move even closer to the source, right outside a high school. You happen to catch the attention of a teacher who invites you to guest-teach her entrepreneurship…

