Product Requirement: Easy Checkout for Dunzo Daily

Helping Users with easy checkout for the Previously Ordered Items

Connecting Dots
Agile Insider
5 min readJun 9, 2022



Currently, the home page of the Dunzo contains the following sections —

  • All the Categories with icons (take the whole real-estate of the screen)
  • Promotional Sections (configurable from the backend) and their SKUs (like Top Brands, Trending this week, Fresh Vegetables, Meat …etc)
Dunzo Homepage with all Categories to Shop
Dunzo Homepage: All Categories for the Order
Dunzo Homepage: Promoted Categories and its SKUs

On the other hand, on the checkout screen, where the user has already added all the items for the order, we show these 2 sections —

  • Items related to your cart — Currently based on the top category and sub-category items based on the items in the cart with the limitation of 20 items
  • Items you order often — Based on the user’s last 10 orders, we show the top items that the user has ordered with the limitation of 20 items
Dunzo Cart Checkout: Showing options for Recommended items and Frequently Ordered items

Some Insights on the User Journey

Based on the clever-tap events, the users take the following journey to add items to the cart (mentioned along with the percentage of the order)

  • Direct Product Search Flow — 60%


  • Category Item Discovery Flow — 25%


  • Promoted Sections Purchase Flow — like trending items, groceries, breakfast, meat, etc — 15%


Note: horizotal_scroll and vertical_scroll events are not included in the above flows for simplicity. We have clubbed the data for the product_page_open and item_add_to_cart into the single flow as item_add_to_cart

Repeatedly Ordered Items

On researching the data for the order patterns, we found that for consecutive orders from the users, we have around 60% of the repeated items in the orders for the orders containing more than 5 items.

The data for the user journey combined with the data for repeat orders from customers validates the need for easier flow for the frequently ordered items for the user


The users find the discovery of the frequently ordered items very difficult. They will have to either manually search for the products or browse the different categories of products

User’s Pain Points

  • The user finds it tedious to search for each the item & add it to the cart
  • The user forgets some of the items that he frequently orders while ordering
  • The user has to search across multiple categories to find the items, he orders frequently
  • The user finds the Items you Often Order section at the checkout un-useful (based on the click events on items from clever-tap)


  • The scope is limited only to the Dunzo Daily Items. No changes will be required for the merchant store items
  • The scope is limited to items within the primary category (like Fresh Fruits, Provisions, Meat, etc) — exclude the other categories which are related to promotion like Self Love, Covid Essential, etc


Increase the order value of the customer by making it easy for the user to add his/her frequently ordered items

Product Requirements

Home Page Changes

  • The First Screen of the app should be replaced with the sections containing the user’s previously ordered items
  • This list should contain all the items that the user has ordered in the last 30 orders sorted based on the occurrences.
  • Items should be fetched only from the Xpress Mart stores.
  • In case, the user’s past orders are fulfilled from different Xpress Mart locations, all the locations should be considered
  • Items inside the smart cart can be further categorized into new sections

Your Daily Needs — aka UC1

  • List all the items from these categories — Fresh Fruits, Fresh Vegetables & Herbs, Breakfast, and Diary
  • Include Eggs if the user ordered in the past
  • List all the items from Meat Category if the user has ordered meat in the past

Your Weekly / Monthly Needs — aka UC2

  • Include items from all these categories — Provisions, Instant Foods, Chocolates & Desserts, and Snacks & Beverages
  • Also Include items from all these categories — Personal & Baby Care, Home Care & Pet Foods
Dunzo Homepage: Mock for the new sections

Your Previously Ordered Items — aka UC3

  • This section would be shown replacing both the sections - UC1 and UC2 if Items in any of the UC1 and UC2 are less than 5
  • Include items from all these categories — Provisions, Instant Foods, Chocolates & Desserts, Snacks & Beverages, Fresh Fruits, Fresh Vegetables & Herbs, Breakfast, and Diary.
  • In the above case, only UC3 will be shown and UC1 and UC2 would not be shown at all
Dunzo Homepage: New section when fewer products are available from the past orders

No New Section to be shown

  • In case the total number of items from the last 30 orders is less than 5, then any of the new sections UC1, UC2, or UC3 would not be shown

Category Page Changes

  • For the category page, on the top new section would be shown for the user’s past order — Your Previously Ordered Items — akaUC4
  • In case the user selects the subcategory — (eg. Leafy Vegetables inside Fresh Vegetables & Herbs) — only the UC4 for the sub-category should be shown
  • The UC4 inside any category or sub category should be shown only if the items are available for the past orders within the same category and sub-category
  • Limits for the items to be shown — Min Items:1 & Max Items:20 for both category and sub-category
Dunzo Category Page: New Section to be shown for the past orders

Success Metrics

  • L0 Metric — Increase in overall orders volume from the users
  • L1 Metric — Average Order Value should increase since the user is finding his previously ordered items easily and would be prompted to buy
  • L1 Metric — The number of items in the cart should increase following the easy discovery of the items for the user
  • L2 Metric — Overall number of orders from the user should increase
  • L2 Metric — Overall Search Usage Events should come down
  • * All. the metrics should be noted for the 7 days, 30 day period

Next Steps

Currently, the clubbing of data for the Your Daily Needs and Your Weekly/Monthly Needs is based on the categories defined by the product team — can this be done dynamically using some algorithms to decide on the daily/weekly/monthly needs




Connecting Dots
Agile Insider

Learning by doing, seeking the truth of the modern world—taking one step at a time.