Scrum: An Effective Software Development Agile Tool

Hadia Akmal
Agile Insider
Published in
5 min readJan 18, 2023

Scrum is an agile software development framework that is widely used by teams to deliver high-quality software in a timely and efficient manner.

Principles of Scrum

It is based on the principles of transparency, inspection, and adaptation, which allow teams to continuously improve their processes and deliver value to their customers.

Scrum is designed for teams working on complex projects where requirements are constantly changing, and the end goal is not always clear. It is particularly useful for software development teams, as it allows them to quickly respond to changing customer needs and deliver software that meets those needs.

Scrum framework

The Scrum framework is made up of three main roles: the Product Owner, the Scrum Master, and the Development Team.

The Product Owner is responsible for representing the interests of the customer and setting the priorities for the team. The Scrum Master is responsible for facilitating the Scrum process and ensuring that the team is working effectively. The Development Team is responsible for delivering the software.

Scrum Meetings

Scrum also includes several ceremonies, or meetings, that are held at regular intervals to ensure that the team is making progress and staying on track. These ceremonies include the Sprint Planning Meeting, the Daily Scrum, the Sprint Review, and the Sprint Retrospective.

The Sprint Planning Meeting is held at the beginning of each sprint, and is used to plan the work that will be done during the sprint. The Daily Scrum is a short meeting held each day to review progress and plan for the next day. The Sprint Review is held at the end of each sprint, and is used to review the work that has been done and plan for the next sprint. The Sprint Retrospective is held after the Sprint Review, and is used to review the process and identify areas for improvement.

The framework of scrum contains three roles and several ceremonies to ensure effective teamwork, progress and adaptability. Scrum’s popularity is due to its flexibility and ability to adapt to changing requirements and its simplicity and effectiveness.

Scrum Workflow:

The Scrum framework follows a specific working flow, also known as the Scrum process, to deliver software in an agile manner. The process is designed to be flexible and adaptable, allowing teams to make changes and improvements as needed.

The Scrum process is broken down into several phases, each with its own set of activities and deliverables. These phases are:

I. Product Backlog: The Product Backlog is a prioritized list of all the features, user stories, and requirements that the team needs to deliver. The Product Owner is responsible for maintaining the backlog and ensuring that it reflects the customer’s needs.

II. Sprint Planning: The Sprint Planning Meeting is held at the beginning of each sprint, and is used to plan the work that will be done during the sprint. The team selects the highest priority items from the Product Backlog, and estimates the amount of work required to complete them.

III. Sprint: During the sprint, the Development Team works on completing the items selected during the Sprint Planning Meeting. The team holds a Daily Scrum meeting to review progress and plan for the next day.

IV. Sprint Review: The Sprint Review is held at the end of each sprint, and is used to review the work that has been done and plan for the next sprint. The team demonstrates the work that was completed during the sprint, and the Product Owner and stakeholders provide feedback.

V. Sprint Retrospective: The Sprint Retrospective is held after the Sprint Review, and is used to review the process and identify areas for improvement. The team discusses what went well, what didn’t go well, and what can be done differently in the next sprint.

VI. Repeat: The process is then repeated for the next sprint, with the team selecting new items from the Product Backlog, planning the work, and completing it during the sprint.

Scrum is open to continuous improvement

The Scrum process is designed to be iterative and incremental, with the team delivering working software at the end of each sprint. This allows the team to continually deliver value to the customer, while also making improvements and adjustments as needed.

Each phase in scrum methodology has its own specific activities and deliverables. This iterative and incremental process allows teams to deliver value to the customer while also making improvements and adjustments as needed.

Scrum has been widely adopted by software development teams because of its flexibility and ability to adapt to changing requirements. It is a simple framework that is easy to understand and implement, and it allows teams to focus on delivering value to their customers.

Future of Scrum In business and IT:

Scrum has become a widely adopted framework in the software development industry, and its popularity is likely to continue in the future. The Scrum framework is not limited to software development, but it can also be used in other industries such as healthcare, finance, and manufacturing.

In software development, Scrum is being used for various projects such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. As these technologies continue to evolve and grow in popularity, Scrum will be used even more to manage the complex projects that come with them.

Scrum is also being used in businesses that are not directly related to technology. For example, Scrum is being used in marketing, product development, and other business areas where there is a need for flexibility, adaptability, and rapid delivery of value.

Another area where Scrum is being used is in IT service management. Organizations are using Scrum to manage IT services and infrastructure, such as network and security operations, data center management, and service desk. Scrum provides a way to deliver IT services in a more efficient and effective way, while also providing a better customer experience.

In addition, Scrum is also being used in the field of education. Scrum is being used in schools, universities, and other educational institutions to manage projects and improve the learning process. It allows educators to adapt to the changing needs of their students, and deliver the most value to them.

Scrum is also being used in the field of project management. Scrum’s principles of transparency, inspection, and adaptation are helping project managers to better manage projects and deliver value in a timely and cost-effective manner.


In summary, Scrum has a wide range of applications and its popularity is likely to continue in the future. Scrum is being used in software development, IT service management, business, education, and project management. As technology and business continue to evolve, Scrum will be used to manage complex projects and processes that come with them. Scrum’s principles of transparency, inspection, and adaptation will continue to make it an attractive choice for organizations that want to be more efficient and effective in delivering value.



Hadia Akmal
Agile Insider

Electrical Engineer | Passionate Writer | Avid Reader | Tech Nerd