Scrum AND Kanban — Learn the 4 Adaptions & 4 Metrics that Matter

Julee Everett
Agile Insider
Published in
7 min readMay 17, 2022


Combine Scrum and Kanban, two Complementary Approaches to Getting Things Done

Teams who wish to combine both frameworks may do so successfully with four adaptions and four data-driven elements to design improvements.

Scrum is a good choice for teams working on incremental delivery of something. The team has enough information to start and reasonably forecast a short-term goal to complete a small working piece of something valuable. Kanban is a…



Julee Everett
Agile Insider

Writer, reader, observer. People enthusiast. Overdoes bird watching and waterfalls, can’t pass up a good cup of coffee. Hails from NW Georgia.