Stop the Product Manager Title Bullshit

It’s not time for a “2-Weeks-Sprint Jira Hero”!

Jens Kuerschner
Agile Insider


Do you remember the times, when a janitor was just a janitor?
Well, those times are long gone. Nowadays the same person is called a “senior large-scale facility manager” — or something like this.

The same happens to digital product roles and this is a huge problem.

Maybe this is due to the extended “think-time” during COVID-19 or maybe it is just because people want to be seen as experts and start inventing things no one needs.

Three examples of current product bullshit

Product Ops

Somehow (I cannot explain), people came up with the idea to establish a role for “Product Operations” besides Product Owners and Product Managers.

The idea: Have someone who optimizes processes and tools for the product managers — or even does the operational smaller things like conducting user interviews and so on. Guess what this is called elsewhere? Product Managers or IT admin or Junior whatever (depending on complexity). There is definitely no need to invent a new fancy title for an already existing process!



Jens Kuerschner
Agile Insider

Tech Founder, Leader, End-to-End Product/Program Manager, Full-Stack Developer, Marketing and Digitalization expert. 🚀