Superheroes — Themed Scrum Retrospective

Spicing up retrospectives with entertaining activities leads to better results.

Alexandre Couëdelo
Agile Insider


Although there is much retrospectives material on the web, I failed to find a walkthrough that offers a unified themed. In my opinion, retrospectives should lead people to think outside of the box, consider the situation differently. The quick listing of problems and frustrations only scratches the surface. The mind likes to be triked to unleash its creative power; most creativity activity relies on that fact and tries to break the existing context and offers an alternative one more ludic and less bounded. Seeking creativity triggers, I designed that retrospective under the theme SuperHeros.

“No man can win every battle, but no man should fall without a struggle.” — Peter Parker

The structure I base all my retrospectives on is derived from the 5 phases suggested in “Agile Retrospectives“:

  1. Set the stage: Each team member introduces himself as a Superhero, unveiling their role, strength, and weaknesses.

2. Gather data: Explore Future directions, Lessons learned, Accomplishments, Problem areas

3. Generate insights: Filter data using Speech balloons to express the main takeaways.

4. Decide what to do: Create an action item base on the Speech balloons you created



Alexandre Couëdelo
Agile Insider

Software Supply Chain and Automation Specialist (aka. DevOps).