“The Agile Edge: Optimizing IoT Systems with Agile Principles and Edge Computing”

Amrit Bhatia
Agile Insider
Published in
3 min readApr 18, 2023

The rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) has revolutionized how we interact with the world, from smart homes to connected cars. However, the sheer amount of data these devices generate can overwhelm traditional centralized computing models. That’s where edge computing comes in, moving data processing closer to where it is generated at the network’s edge. This can result in faster processing times, reduced latency, and lower bandwidth requirements.

But how can we implement edge computing in IoT using Agile practices? Let’s take a closer look.

Flexible and adaptable are hallmarks of Agile software development. It involves iterative development, continuous testing, and frequent feedback from stakeholders. Let’s explore how Agile can be applied to edge computing in IoT with some examples:

Prioritize customer satisfaction:

Photo by Cytonn Photography on Unsplash

The first principle of Agile is to prioritize customer satisfaction through the continuous delivery of working software. Implementing edge computing in IoT means focusing on the system’s value to end-users. For example, if you’re developing an intelligent home security system, you might prioritize features like real-time alerts and remote monitoring to ensure the system meets the needs of homeowners.

Use sprints:

Photo by Alexander Redl on Unsplash

Another critical Agile practice is sprints, short periods during which a specific set of features is developed and tested. Implementing edge computing in IoT means breaking down the system into smaller components that can be developed and tested in sprints. For example, you might break down an intelligent home security system into features like sensor data processing, real-time alert generation, and remote monitoring. This allows for frequent feedback and testing, leading to faster iteration and system improvement.

Collaborate closely:

Photo by CoWomen on Unsplash

Agile emphasizes the importance of collaboration between team members and stakeholders. Implementing edge computing in IoT means close cooperation between developers, hardware engineers, and data scientists. For example, suppose you’re developing a connected car system that uses edge computing. In that case, you might collaborate with hardware engineers to ensure that the system can handle the processing load and with data scientists to optimize the sensor data algorithm. This collaboration ensures that the system is designed to be efficient and effective.

Use CI/CD:

Agile also emphasizes continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD). This involves the automated testing and deployment of code changes, leading to faster delivery of new features and improvements. Implementing edge computing in IoT means using CI/CD to ensure the system can be updated frequently to keep up with changing requirements. For example, you might use CI/CD to automate the testing and deploy new algorithms for processing sensor data in a connected car system.

Conduct retrospectives:

Photo by Parabol | The Agile Meeting Toolbox on Unsplash

Finally, Agile emphasizes the importance of retrospectives and regular meetings in which the team reflects on their progress and identifies areas for improvement. Implementing edge computing in IoT means reviewing the system’s performance and identifying improvement areas. For example, you might conduct a retrospective on an intelligent home security system to identify opportunities to optimize the processing of sensor data or to improve the user experience of the remote monitoring interface.

In conclusion, Agile practices can be applied to edge computing in IoT to create a flexible and scalable system that can adapt to changing requirements. By prioritizing customer satisfaction, using sprints, collaborating closely between team members and stakeholders, using CI/CD, and conducting retrospectives, developers can create a system that delivers value to end-users and can be improved over time.



Amrit Bhatia
Agile Insider

Amrit Bhatia leads critical programs at Amazon Web Services (AWS) and previously at HERE Technologies, Grainger, GE-GENPACT, and IBM.