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Top 5 Pointless Agile Practices that Make Your Team Miserable.

With hundreds of different Agile software development practices, there are few that are completely useless — surprisingly though, they are still very popular among many organizations and Scrum Teams.

Lukasz Krzyzek
Published in
4 min readApr 20, 2022


Here is my list of top 5 time-wasting and useless Agile Practices:

1. Estimating User Stories in Story Points backwards.

The only reason of estimating in Story Points is to check if the team have a similar understanding of what and how needs to be done to finish the User Story. Estimating any work backwards is counter-productive and doesn’t bring any value: What is the point of checking if we have the same understanding on something that is already done? Additionally it undermines a proper use of Story Points in planning sessions.

“When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure” — Goodhart’s law

2. Focusing during Daily Scrum on answering the famous three questions: ‘What did you? What will you do…



Lukasz Krzyzek
Agile Insider

Scrum Master — PSM III | I’m writing about pragmatic agile, working in dev teams and product ownership. | 100k+ views.