What My Beagle Taught Me about Problem Solving

A step-by-step approach to uncovering the right solution to the right problem

Jimmie Butler
Agile Insider


Girl holding and kissing a Beagle dog.
Photo by João Victor Xavier on Unsplash

I have a Beagle. His name is Charlie. This story of Charlie, and his bark, is going to help us think about our approach to problems and solutions. More specifically, this story about Charlie will reveal how easy it is to recommend the wrong, or less optimal, solution because we often focus on the wrong problem. You might say it’s the result of barking up the wrong tree.

“We fail more often because we solve the wrong problem than because we get the wrong solution to the right problem.” — Russell L. Ackoff

Setting the Stage

I’ve been told Charlie is the best barker of any dog my kennel has ever heard. By best, they meant a unique, loud, and shrilly howl that sparks a chain reaction throughout the kennel. Oh, and constant when other dogs are near. It penetrates and carries. I live next to many neighboring dogs who like to talk with each other. The deeper voices of the other dogs I can sort of tune out. Charlie’s…not so much.

Charlie barking, even outside, can be a problem when I’m on the phone. His shrill easily penetrates into the house. I know his bark carries across the phone and is a distraction to those listening on the…



Jimmie Butler
Agile Insider

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